29 December, 2024
1 category
To book multiple days simply put the number of days in the note section upon booking your appointment.
For dates that may be blacked out please consult your caregiver. Payment is collected upon contact after booking an appointment or at the time of service.
- All payments are done through Cash App, Cash, and credit/debit card payments.
- We do not service snakes!
- Please specify in the note section any specific needs, concerns, or requests for the service. Note section should also include any access information if a new customer.
- Appointments cancelled within the final 48 hours of the appointment, may incur a cancellation penalty.
- Proper contact information is required!
- For appts or needs that have dates that may be blacked out please contact your assigned caregiver as they may be able to manually fit you in. In this instance, convenience fees would be waived.
Payment forms accepted
- Cash App
- Debit / Credit Cards (fees apply)
- Cash
How to contact support
TO CONTACT THE SUPPORT CENTER use the blue button on the right! otherwise, contact your caregiver directly.
Things to know
- There is an additional $9.99 charge for a second dog on all 30 minute walks.
- There is an additional $12.00 for a second animal on all deluxe walks.
- With the launch of our direct appointment service, most appointments must now be booked through this page or they may incur a $1.99 convenience fee if done over by phone. If you are simply contacting your caregiver to confirm they see your booking, you would not be charged a convenience fee.
Paws Royale (aka Royal Paws XYZ) reserves the right to update this page at any time.
Category: Book Appointments